Thanks from the Pillmans


May thank you 2013 WMFGreetings from Cuenca! We were keeping track of the annual conference from afar. We are always sorry to miss it.
It’s been a rather trying week for us, but the Lord is good and we are thankful for His loving care. We have been experiencing difficulty with our visa. We were denied our application this week because of a paper out of our control that is tied up in government bureaucracy. Since Hannah was just born we don’t have her American passport yet so it feels like she can’t leave the country and we can’t stay. Be praying for Tricia you can just imagine what it’s like for her. We have been evaluating our options and we may need to travel to Peru by car for a short visit in order to re-enter Ecuador to get an extension on our visa. Be in prayer for safety as we travel with a month-old baby.
On top of the visa issues both Nathanael and Hannah came down with pinkeye so we have been treating that this week.
I share this more so you can be in prayer more specifically for our ministry and family. We appreciate so much your prayers and support for us.
In Christ,
Editor’s note:  If you click on the photo above, you will see a larger version that is easier to read!

Christmas Greetings from the Pillmans

We have so much to be thankful for and rejoice in at this Christmas season.  Christmas in Ecuador has different sights and sounds to what we are used to in the US, but the reason to celebrate is still the same. Jesus came at Christmas for the purpose of saving us from our sins. It is so neat to be able to celebrate Christmas with the Ecuadorian believers in their own ways and culture.

Thank you for your part this past year in our ministry. Thank you for joining with us in sharing the good news of salvation, Jesus and Christmas with the people of Ecuador!

Click here to listen to what Christmas sounds like in Ecuador. If you would like to share this video with your church, it can be downloaded herePillman Christmas header

In Christ,
Justo, Tricia, Nathanael, & ?

Thank You from the Pillmans in Ecuador

Dear friends of the WMF:
From these pictures you can see that Justo created a waterslide for the youth group last Saturday.  The youth group is studying about the armor of God and they discussed truth that day.  Everything apart from the truth in God’s Word is just a slippery slide.

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers.  They are making a difference!

Love, Justo, Tricia, and Nathanael Pillman